The Ministry of Happiness

Cairo Publishing

The Ministry of Happiness

The Ministry of Happiness: that is where the thoughts of millions of people are manipulated. And while the Political Party of all political parties controls the information system, its caste is nourished through a close-knit net of bribes. And indeed, almost everything is justified in the name of the happiness of the populace. A man, an intellectual who still believes in the values of culture, has recently become director of a section of the Ministry. It is not clear to him why he was selected, but he has in mind important projects. He would like to talk to the General Director about them, if only the man would listen. Instead it seems that no one is interested in his work, not even the “mudslingers” who have transformed slander into a political practice. He knows that it’s no longer possible to reveal the deception, still his hallucinatory research begins again every day: in search of an interlocutor, of sense and love. The love of the woman who has abandoned him. She too works at the Ministry, and he hopes to find her in the alienating labyrinth of those offices. But this encounter, like all the others, perhaps will never happen. In this painfully contemporary parable that brings Orwell to mind, the protagonist asserts the value of human authenticity against the media’s Great Make-believe. And his struggle against the subtly violent expression of a fake democracy is, after all, our struggle as well.

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