First in the Klass

Cairo Publishing

First in the Klass

The enthusiasm for Europeanism in the early Eighties seems light years away, and now, as never before, not only the Euro, but the idea itself of Europe is in crisis. The problem is that we have always thought of an ensemble of equals, but the hardships of countries in the southern periphery of the Union and of Ireland tell us that this is not so. Something in the idea of a united Europe has broken. And, in this moment of great crisis, after decades of being only an economic giant, Germany returns as the protagonist of European politics. Many Germans are asking themselves now why they must pay for the errors of others. There is a sort of latent refusal making its way among the electorate, a Euro-sceptical drift that finds an ear in Berlin. Still, after various vacillations, Angela Merkel also arrived where the experts had already landed some time ago: leaving the common currency would cost every German citizen much more than saving the countries in crisis. But what will this awareness lead to? What consequences will it have on Italy? Primi della klasse, gives us clear answers to many questions about the future of the Euro and takes us backstage in European politics and economy in a simple language that everyone can understand.

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