Vincent in love – The work of the soul

Cairo Publishing

Vincent in love – The work of the soul

Holland, 1881. Vincent van Gogh is twenty-eight but still hasn’t found his place in the world. He had given in to his family’s wishes, dedicating himself to studies, commerce and preaching, like his father, a Protestant pastor. Now, after so many restless years, the moment has come for a change, an irrevocable decision to drop everything and follow his overwhelming vocation: painting. From this point on, his life changes into a bitter struggle to get recognition for the talent that impels him to obsessively produce paintings no one buys. But, above all, Vincent is a man who wants to love and be loved, who lives ardent passions that defy all convention and inflame his art. There is his cousin Kee with a sweet face and a soft mouth. There is Sien, a sad-eyed prostitute he will ask to marry. There is his neighbour Margot Begemann, a strong woman as pure as a lily. There is Agostina Segatori, the Italian model and Corot’s muse, who wants no ties with anyone. The voice we hear is van Gogh’s in a stream of consciousness that fills the gaps of a reticent biography, before his manifest psychic disturbances and his self-mutilation. In these moving pages, the lesser known Van Gogh speaks; the creative fury that will explode in cobalt skies and fields of golden wheat germinate in the turmoil of his heart. Van Gogh in love with love.

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