No sex in the city

Cairo Publishing

No sex in the city

The love stories and love affairs of an Italian in New York

Second edition What happens when a young, single Italian male steps into the world of Sex and the City? In Manhattan, the city with the highest rate of single women in the world, the truth is quite bizarre, just like the adventures of the tv series. Sometimes even more. New York’s wonderful women – all scurrying up the career ladder and displaying neuroses on the verge of comicality – are finally seen from the other point of view: that of the single, usually European – make that Italian – male. Between high heels and vegetarian hot-dogs, sizzling taxi rushes and ring-on-a-finger dreams, the book’s hero runs into all sorts of women: Liza, the beautiful fashion-victim that ditches him via e-mail; Paula, ready to do anything but kiss. In short, No Sex in the City is the ultimate guide to Manhattan: indispensable for lovers of New York and hilarious for anyone wishing to understand the mystery of America.

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