Lose weight with the Mediterranean Diet

Cairo Publishing

Lose weight with the Mediterranean Diet

More health and fewer kilos with the MD
Giorgio Calabrese con la collaborazione di Caterina Calabrese

Balanced, convivial, transversal, flexible… But also ethics, anthropocentric, joyous, Francescan, and, more than anything, “inclusive” because it includes every kind of food with no exclusions. The MD, the Mediterranean Diet, is a diet able to satisfy everyone: both those who need to lose weight and those with a normal weight. A lifestyle made of rules and habits inspired by the Mediterranean tradition that is synonymous worldwide with good health, illness prevention and a long, healthy life. Because the MD is principally centred on the correct choice of foods and its most important principles are summarized in a few guidelines: more consumption of vegetable proteins in respect to animal proteins; reduction of saturated fats in favour of unsaturated vegetal fats; lowering the all-over calorie quota; increase in complex carbohydrates; introduction of food fibres, a correct alternation between white meat, fish and red meat. An omnivorous alimentation based on healthy cooking techniques. Always in the forefront of the battles for correct alimentation, the authoritative nutritionist Giorgio Calabrese, with the collaboration of his wife Caterina, food technologist and journalist, synthesizes in this book the fundamental principles of MD. All the newest discoveries are taken into account, whether about weight increase or the capacity to lose weight. The book has a dietetic breviary where all can find the best diet for themselves. Because if it is true that every individual needs a personalized plan, it is equally true that the foundations of the Mediterranean Diet, if used, allow everyone to aspire to the right physical and metabolic balance.

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