Letters to Baby Jesus
Letters to Baby Jesus
Don’t expect the usual little Christmas stories, the ones that are a bit too sweet and sentimental and inspire us to make good resolutions. The kind that probably we won’t keep this time either. Talking about Don Mazzi, or better yet, when Don Mazzi talks, the usual gives way to the unusual and to affectionate provocation. To induce us to rethink about the real meaning of Christmas, he directly involves its protagonist, Jesus, and along with him other personages from the crèche, including the shepherds, the sheep and the little ass. In his Letters to Baby Jesus, the “pretaccio”, as he is the first to call himself, shares his reflections on the task of the family, the sense of gifts to teach to children and adults, the value of sharing, starting from the consoling warmth of the grotto in Bethlehem. What you find in this grand little book is a marvellous gift and concerns all of us, believers or not, every moment of our lives. So that every day is Christmas.