A lawyer as a friend

Cairo Publishing

A lawyer as a friend

“Legal pills for family ills increasingly resistant to medicines”: that would be the perfect subtitle for Un avvocato per amica. A collection of little stories, with men and women who, over the years, turned to Daniela Missaglia, expert in marriage law, to solve family problems that are more and more common in our society. Wives that must reckon with their husband’s infidelity or who are forced to defend themselves against a husband’s brutality; husbands who’ve lost everything, who are negated their children’s love, children in the midst of being contested or forced to reckon with parents who use them for barter. But also cases of custody, bullying, mistreatment, claims for damages, safe-guarding privacy, organ transplants, stalking… Because family can be a real jungle and knowing the instruments that the law makes available to protect oneself, at times, is the only way to reappropriate a serene life. Citing laws and sentences from the Supreme Court, Daniela Missaglia, informs us about the prevalent trends of jurisprudence in specific circumstances and points out the right moves to make. Who should we turn to to solve a particular problem? Carabinieri? Police? The courts? What is the best thing to do? A letter? A complaint? A lawsuit? An appeal? This book gives us the answers to all those doubts that can crop up during our daily life faced with a news story or a friend’s confidences. The answer to help handle the intricate relationships among parents, children and ex-spouses in the best way that, in many cases, can improve the quality of our life. The answer we’re looking for.

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