Beyond pain

Cairo Publishing

Beyond pain

Pain is a part of all our lives and is a fundamental and educational event. It does exist, and if you want to fight it, you need to know it, know the reason for its presence in the body and the mind. That is why for centuries questions have arisen about its nature, its deepest meaning. First, in pain there is a physiological, perceptual component, indistinguishable from the negative emotional experience produced by the unpleasant sensation. Thus, it can be a physical or psychic manifestation or both together, but it is always subjective. Pain can be inevitable as in illness, it can be self-inflicted or inflicted on others or it can be individual or collective, as in the case of the tragedies of history. A person like Umberto Veronesi, who by vocation and profession, has dedicated his life to alleviating the suffering of others, has an intense daily relationship with pain, and as a physician, scientist and politician, in addition to being an impassioned reader of the Holy Bible, can offer us an illuminating view. Naturally, he does not neglect to invite us to reflect on the principal human factors involved in the reality of pain: existential solitude, bereavement, the quality of life, the right to self-determination and, above all, the possibility to reduce to the minimum, if not totally eliminate, the pain that has lost its “usefulness” as an alarm bell. In this grand little book, written with MariaGiovanna Luini, Veronesi, who has never stopped believing in the power of intelligence, rationality and study, teaches us the centrality of sentiments, sensitivity and empathy. In other words, how to look into our souls.

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