Accursed books

Cairo Publishing

Accursed books

There are many books that over the course of history have determined social turmoil, dissemination of heresies, national and political clashes. Books that were burned (one starts with books and ends with authors, Heine warned) and others that inspired a universal fire of man’s ideas. The tumultuous and fascinating story that unites the “people of the book” since time immemorial is the source of twelve pieces, stories about pages that burn both their readers and their authors. The book begins with the ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth, an accursed tome par excellence, written in the time of the Pharaohs. The Treatise of the Three Impostors (Jesus, Mohammad and Moses) follows it. This book was talked about for more than eight centuries, but most likely never existed. The next piece is a manual written by a 17th century Spanish priest who wanted the name of every heretic writer destroyed, then the unhappy Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the fatal Mein Kampf, the literary ravings of Aleister Crowley, the imaginary yet long-lived Necronomicon and the extreme writings of the Black Baron, Julius Evola. Then there is The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey that launched on a wide-scale the cult of the Lord of Evil and the book by the two men who discovered the double helix of DNA, still banned in some creationist states in the USA. The author also deals with the little known and still banned Epimostro by Nicolas Genka and the scandalous Lunga notte di Singapore by Bernardino Del Boca (brother of the better-known Angelo), a pioneer of homosexual liberation whose book was confiscated and burned in 1953. The collection ends with an incredible case of censorship regarding an Italian novel written in this century.