4 Hours a Week for Your Body

Cairo Publishing

4 Hours a Week for Your Body

Lose weight? Build more muscle? Strengthen your physical resistance? Improve your sex life? Sleep better? Become stronger? It doesn’t matter what the aim is. Just as Timothy Ferriss definitely revolutionized your way of working, now he’s able to transform your body by optimizing the time factor. So don’t expect the nth health manual or a super-programme for staying fit. Once again Tim intends to change habits and overthrow clichés pushing beyond the last frontiers of science and medicine. In fact, this book puts together the discoveries of university researchers, NASA scientists, biologists, physiologists, doctors, Olympic champions, NFL and Major League baseball coaches, holders of world records, rehabilitation specialists for Super Bowl athletes and even team managers from the ex Soviet Block. No statistics about obesity, calorie tables or macrobiotic recipes, but, rather, extraordinarily simple tricks, graphics, photos and anecdotes for a guide to the human body that offers everyone – men and women – an innovative programme for redesigning the body without wasting that precious resource, your free time. Run through the index and read what interests you to reach immediately the objectives you’ve set yourself. Afterwards, you can start exploring the book: you’ll find new goals you never knew you could reach. And remember, it takes less than 4 hours a week to change your life.