A Black Story

Cairo Publishing

A Black Story

Bologna: Francesca Mambro and Valerio Fioravanti Tell their Truth

Four editions 20.000 copies sold - Huge press and an impressive media debateEighty-five victims, over two-hundred injured people, a city on its knees: the Bologna massacre of August 2nd, 1980, is the worst in the history of the Italy and the only one to see the capture of the alleged culprits. A long judiciary battle eventually led to the conviction of Valerio Fioravanti and Francesca Mambro, who used to lead the NAR, the country’s main extreme right terrorist organization. They confessed many other murders, but always denied any involvement in the Bologna massacre. For years now they have been struggling for having the case reopen. Today Mambro and Fioravanti tell their truth. A Black Story is a critical reassessment of a trial based on circumstantial evidence and biased by heavy prejudice. But it is also the painful reexamination of an age too long segregated in the memory of those who were there. The fifth, updated edition includes a new chapter with: the Ciavardini verdict and its motivations, Stefano Sparti’s testimony, new revelations from Cristiano Fioravanti, and the answer to Riccardo Bocca’s book, Tutta un’altra strage (Quite Another Slaughter).

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