The Collaborator of Bethlehem

Cairo Publishing

The Collaborator of Bethlehem

An Omar Yussef Investigation
traduzione di Annibale Manazza

Omar Yussef, a middle-aged teacher in the mood for some existential stocktaking, is about to accept early retirement with the encouragement of the scholastic authorities, which are impatient with his non-conformist teaching methods. Then one day George Saba, his most brilliant and dearest ex-student, is imprisoned, accused of being a collaborator. George is a Christian, and his involvement in the death of a fighter against the Israeli occupation is a self-pronounced death sentence. In a Bethlehem ravaged by uncontrollable violence, only Omar Yussef intends to seek the truth. In a challenge greater than his capacities but not than his courage, the teacher plunges into a highly risky investigation in which not only the lives of his beloved are at stake, but also the moral integrity of a nation.

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