The Orange Tractor

Cairo Publishing

The Orange Tractor

Italy in the Fifties is the setting for an interwoven fabric of stories full of delicate melancholy, subtle irony, freshness and spontaneity, the same qualities that distinguish the songs of Giorgio Conte. The lightness of memories, little or big events of childhood and adolescence stand out clearly in what happens to the characters. Men like Signor Pistone (for whom Spumanti Pistone is named), Comm. Vittorio Faletti, Professor Fasano (with his new miraculous medicine, “penicillin”), cousin Alberto and the «Cavajer» (chevalier his grandfather Attilio). Women like Wanda (huge, solid boobs and the allure of a chanteuse), grandmother Tilde, Anna (the ideal patient for playing doctor) and Ada who adores red dresses. Finally, other scraps of the times that were, like the Alfa Romeo Giuletta 1300, the 12 cylinder Maserati, the Lancia Artena 1900 and, above all, the orange tractor, an Orsi from the Thirties, a metal seat with holes and a three-ray black steering wheel. Giorgio Conte remembers and sends memory postcards from long ago with a wealth of vivid colours, the carefreeness of youth, the joy of living and, finally, the chance to become an adult. Maybe sipping at the Bar degli Stanchi a Carpano seltz with salty and greasy little green olives...

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