With Heart

Cairo Publishing

With Heart

Stories of women who chose to dedicate their lives to others

Anna Cataldi is not an ordinary woman. Cultured and privileged, at a certain point in her life she did not hesitate to put herself at stake and dedicate herself completely to others. It was her long-time friend, Audrey Hepburn, who pointed out the way to her: Audrey, the unforgettable protagonist of Breakfast at Tiffany’s who had become the tireless ambassador of UNICEF in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Cataldi tells us about her in these pages, but she also tells about four other women, sisters in courage and in the desire to construct a future of hope for those who never had a future and hope. There’s the story of Annalena Tonelli, a missionary in Somalia, who spent thirty years of her life at the service of its people, constructing assistance centres and battling against the plagues of tuberculosis, HIV and female mutilation. Until in 2003 she was murdered by a group of fanatics in the hospital she created. And that of Nancy Dupree, the only westerner to walk through the streets of Kabul without fear. The woman who worked for half a century to save the immense cultural patrimony of Afghanistan from destruction and to give back to the populace its roots and its historical memory. Then, Rosamond Carr, the tireless mother of thousands of Rwanda orphans, who gave them a home, defying the brutality of a country bloodied by one of the most horrific genocides in history. Linda Beekman, a cleaning woman in a small town in Florida, who on her own managed to get in and out besieged Sarajevo countless times to bring more than two tons of humanitarian aid, food for the body and for the soul. Stories of incredible generosity, great strength and absolute determination. Stories that give rise to thought and shake the conscience, but more than anything, stories that touch the heart.

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