Blood feuds

Cairo Publishing

Blood feuds

The ‘Ndrangheta Empire

Blood Feuds is a factual novel. It’s a blow to the guts, a story born in the viscera of a harsh Calabria, the Calabria of the ‘ndrangheta and emigration. The story travels all of Europe in the boundless empire of the clan. From «Las Vegas», a small gaming hall in the Crotone hinterland where little hoods start their career by spitting contemptuously on the videogame screens to the Duisburg pizzerie in civilized Germany where the ’ndrangheta, which is colonizing entire economic sectors, is still perceived as an innocuous piece of folklore. The author enters the dark rooms of the ’ndrine, traces the map of the terrifying economic power of this Calabrese criminal system through the stories of its members, of people who escaped it by the skin of their teeth and the people who have been crushed by it. There’s little Anna, with cancer because her school was built with a part of those 350 thousand tonnes of toxic materials never disposed of in specialized dumps. There’s Panzer, an ex promise of soccer, ruined by cocaine which by now has supplanted heroin. Cocaine is the core business of «Cosa Nuova» that takes in about 27 billion euros a year, the only market not in crisis. There’s Katia, a Nigerian who strips and prostitutes herself at bachelor parties, then hands over the takings to her Albanese pimp who controls prostitution in Piana di Sibari on behalf of the Mafia gangs. Then there are Domenico, eleven years old, accidentally shot by a stray bullet while playing soccer; Rosellina and Barbara, slaughtered in their kitchen; Lea, who refused government protection and ended up dissolved in acid in a farmhouse in Lombardy, a region completely infiltrated by the Calabrese gangs. A voyage through the ’ndrangheta hell where we see the grim face of blood feuds together with the “cleaner” one of entrepreneurial activities, a “novel about reality” telling all about what has become the biggest criminal system of our time.

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