Beppe Grillo Parlante

Cairo Publishing

Beppe Grillo Parlante

February 2013: In little more than three years since its birth, the 5 Star Movement has become the most voted party in the House of Representatives and takes second place in the Senate (not counting votes from abroad). An authentic tsunami that overturned the most optimistic predictions. How did the phenomenon Grillo arise? How has it succeeded in such a short time to win over so many Italians? With first-hand accounts from its protagonists and research into documents that have never been published, Beppe Grillo Parlante reveals the little known behind the scenes story, from the first entrepreneurial adventures of Gianroberto Casaleggio told by his employees to Grillo’s relationship with the press, starting from his stormy liaison with il Fatto Quotidiano. From the first intestinal disputes up to the expulsions, from the most famous ones to those less known but equally significant. All the paradoxes of political formation that shook Italy: on one hand the indisputable merits of a seasoned group of the «pure» who propose restoring good politics, and on the other, the inevitable wrong thinking typical of the old partitocrazia, where political parties have more rule than parliament or the government. And then the unusual details: the real motive for which the signatures on the V2-Day Referendum were rejected; the contents of the chats among disappointed activists that infuriated Grillo and Casaleggio; the ways Valentino Tavolazzi’s nomination as Parma CEO was blocked; the phone call between Giovanni Favia and the «guru» that happened half an hour before the famous off-air was broadcast: the race for the train to Rome. A book that, after the electoral triumph, shows us the chiaroscuro of the political party that isn’t a party. And an appendix with the 5 Star Movement alphabet, all the movement’s keywords from A to Z.